It is located in the area of Dayeibo Village, Hlegu Township. The area of the college’s compound is 35.15 acres and it is completely fenced with burb wire . If was established in 1986. On 27 November 1998 it had got Education college level are from 16 January 2004 to now it had got Education college level two. So far The college is standing over 35 years. This college offers two year full time pre-service teacher training course, pre-service primary teacher training course, primary and secondary teacher ship correspondence course, and other occasional short term teacher ship course. Now (4)year Teaching training course is being carried out. The Teacher students will be got the degree of B.A(Education) and B.Sc(Education) after study four year course. Then They are appointed to work as a primary teacher.
The outstanding student teacher who has finished pre-service teacher Education Training course two years course will have the connect to attend 3rd year B.Ed.